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    • Introduction to MSK (pdf)
    • Osteology of clavicle (pdf
    • Osteology of scapula (pdf
    • Muscles of pectoral region (pdf
    • Muscles of shoulder girdle (pdf
    • Axilla (pdf
    • Osteology of humerus (pdf
    • Muscles of scapular region (pdf)
    • Muscles of pectoral region (pdf)   
    • Nerves of pectoral region (pdf) 
    • Anterior compartment of arm (pdf)
    • Cubital Fossa (pdf) 
    • Oseology of radius (pdf
    • Osteology of ulna (pdf) 
    • Upper limb arm region (pdf) 
    • Upper limb forearm and hand region  (pdf) 
    • Anterior compartment of forearm (pdf)
    • Posterior compartment of forearm (pdf) 
    • Osteology of hand (pdf) 
    • Wrist joint (pdf) 
    • Muscles of hand (pdf
    • Palmar skin and palmar aponeurosis (pdf
    • Arterial arches of hand 
    • Vessels of forearm and hand (pdf) 
    • Nerves and cutaneous innervations of hand and palmar spaces 
    • Radiology of upper limb (pdf) 
    • Dorsum of hand and applied anatomy 
    • Outline and overview of lower limb and its deep fascia (pdf
    • osteology of hip bone (pdf
    • Osteology of femur (pdf)
    • Gluteal region (pdf
    • Hip Joint (pdf) 
    • Boundaries of femoral triangle 
    • Anterior compartment of thigh (pdf) 
    • osteology of patella (pdf)
    • Medial compartments of thigh (pdf)  
    • Thigh and gluteal region (pdf
    • Superficial veins and lymph nodes of lower limb (pdf
    • Osteology of tibia (pdf
    • Fibula Bone (pdf
    • Posterior compartments of thigh (pdf)
    • Knee Joint 
    • Popliteal fossa (pdf
    • Nerves and vessels of thigh 
    • Lumbosacral plexus (pdf
    • Anterior compartment of leg 
    • Ankle joint anatomy (pdf
    • Extensor retinaculum of ankle (pdf) 
    • Lateral compartment of leg 
    • Posterior compartment of leg 
    • Nerves and vessels of leg
    • Leg and foot region (pdf)  
    • Osteology of foot (pdf
    • Lower limb radiographs (pdf
    • Lower limb radiology  (pdf
    • Arches of foot  (pdf
    • Foot radiology (pdf
    • Lower back pain (pdf
    • Muscle physiology (pdf)  
    • MSK Terminologies (pdf)
    • Excitation and contraction coupling  
    • Muscle action potential (pdf) 
    • Physiologic anatomy of skeletal muscle fiber (pdf
    • Characteristic of whole muscle contraction
    • Neuromuscular junction and transmission (pdf
    • Myasthenia Gravis (pdf
    • Smooth and skeletal muscle fiber (pdf
    • Nervous and hormonal control of smooth muscle  (pdf
    • Smooth muscle contraction (pdf
    • Calcium and phosphorus (pdf
    • Proteins chemistry Lecture 1 (pdf)
    • Proteins chemistry Lecture 2 (pdf) 
    • Proteins chemistry Lecture 3 (pdf) 
    • Proteins chemistry Lecture 4 (pdf)  
    • Vitamin A (pdf
    • Vitamin D (pdf
    • Vitamin E and K (pdf
    • Copper (pdf)  
    • Sulfur (pdf
    • Magnesium and Iodide (pdf
    • Fluoride (pdf
    • Zinc and sellenium (pdf
    • Somites (pdf)
    • Development of bones, cartilage and joints (pdf
    • Development of upper limb and muscles (pdf
    • Personality (pdf
    • Motivation (pdf
    • Coping mechanisms (pdf
    • Wound and injury (pdf
    • Epidemiology and prevention of MSK disorders (pdf