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5 April 2021 /
- Anatomy and its sub-branches
- Cell structure and its organelles
- Nuclear structure and components
- Cell division
- mitosis and meiosis
- Organization of human body
- Anatomical terms (for planes,position and movements)
- Classification of bones
- Cartilage
- Introduction to joints
- Muscles
- Skin/ Integumentary system
- Lymphatic system
- Nervous system division
- Membranes : mucous membranes, serous membranes
- Fascia, ligaments and raphe
- Radiological anatomy
- Physiology and its sub-branches
- Cell membrane physiology
- Homeostasis
- Membrane potential
- Movements of cell
- Depolarization and repolarization
- Autonomic nervous system
- Introduction to embryology
- Spermatogenesis
- Oogenesis
- Transport of gametes
- Female reproductive cycle
- Fertilization events
- IVF, Intra cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
- Fertilization - clinical (correlates cleavage and blastocyst formation)
- Implantation and its abnormalities
- Amniotic cavity
- Events of 2nd week of development
- Formation of notochord
- Events of 3rd week of development
- Derivatives of germ layers
- Further development of trophoblast and neurulation
- Fetal membranes
- 4th week : Folding of embryo
- Highlights of 4-8 weeks
- Basic body tissue
- Definition of tissue
- Epithelial, connective, muscular, nervous tissue
- Classification of epithelium
- General characteristics and functions of epithelium
- Glandular epithelium
- Epithelial cell surface specialization
- Structure and function of basement membrane
- Connective tissue
- Introduction to biochemistry and its application in medicine
- Biochemical structure of cell
- Biochemical structure of mitochondria
- Nuclear membrane
- RNA and DNA
- Buffer
- Cell membrane transport mechanism
- Chemistry of acids and bases
- Importance of surface tension and viscosity in our body
- Carbohydrates
- Structure and function of GAGs
- Genetics
- Enzymes
- Introduction to pathology and its implication in medicine
- Cell injury
- Necrosis
- Inflammation
- Determinants of health
- Disease causation
- Chain of infection
- Levels of prevention
- Routes of administration of drugs
- Transmembrane drug transport
- Receptor and cellular basis (types of drug receptors)
- The microscope
- Lab equipment
- pH and buffer solutions
- Sterilization
- Capillary blood sampling
- Detection of monosaccharides
- Detection of reducing and non-reducing sugars
- Detection of polysaccharides in a given solution
- Tissue processing
- Anatomical terms
- H and E staining
- Simple epithelia
- Stratified epithelia
- Glands
- Smear preparation