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Physics Notes FSc 1

  • Chapter-1 : Measurement
    • physical Quantities [notes]
    • International System Of Units [notes]
    • Scientific Notation
    • Errors and uncertainties
    • Significant Figures (video)
    • Precision and accuracy (video)
    • Indicating Uncertainty 
    • Dimentions (video)
  • Chapter-2 : Vectors and equilibrium.
  • Chapter-3 : Motion and force
    • Full chapter notes (pdf)
    • Velocity
    • Acceleration
    • Newton's laws of motion (video)
    • Linear Momentum
    • Impulse and change of momentum
    • Law of conservation of momentum
    • Elastic and inelastic collison
    • Head-on Collision
    • Projectile motion
  • Chapter-4 : Work and energy 
  • Chapter 5 : Rotational and Circular Motion.
    • Angular Motion
    • Uniform circular motion (video)
    • Centripetal Force and Centripetal Acceleration
    • Centrifugal Force
    • Banking of road
    • Torque and moment of inertia
    • Angular momentum and Torque
    • Artificial satellites
    • Orbital velocity
    • Geo-stationary orbits
    • Real and apparent weight
    • Weightlessness in satellite
    • Artificial Gravity 
  • Chapter 6 : Fluid Dynamics 
    • Viscous Drag and Stockes' Law
    • Terminal Velocity
    • Fluid flow
    • Equation of continuity
    • Bernoulli's Equation
    • Applications (pdf) 
  • Chapter 7 : Oscillation and Waves
    • Simple Harmonic Motion
    • Circular motion and SHM
    • Simple pendulum
    • Free and force oscillation
    • Resonance
    • Waveform of simple harmonic motion
    • Phase
    • Damped oscillations
    • Sharpness of resonance 
  • Chapter 8 : Waves
    • Full chapter notes 
    • Periodic Waves
    • Progressive waves
    • Propagation of waves
    • Transverse waves
    • Longitudinal waves [Watch video here]
    • Characteristics of wave
    • Speed of sound
    • Superposition of waves
    • Interference of waves
    • Beats
    • Reflection of waves and phase change
    • Stationary waves
    • Doppler effect
    • Ultrasonic waves
  • Chapter 9 : Physical Optics
    • Full chapter notes (pdf)
    • Nature of light
    • Wavefront
    • Huygen's Principle
    • Coherent sources
    • Interference of light
    • Young's double slit experiment
    • Interference in thin film
    • Michaelson's interferometer
    • Diffraction of light
    • Fraunhofer Diffraction at a single slit
    • Diffraction Grating
    • X-Ray Diffraction
    • Bragg's law
    • Polarization of light
  • Chapter 10 : Thermodynamics 
    • Full chapter notes (pdf)
    • Thermal Equilibrium
    • Heat and work
    • Thermodynamic System
    • First law of thermodynamics
    • Molar specific heat of a gas
    • Heat engine
    • Second law of Thermodynamics
    • Carnot heat engine
    • Refrigerator
    • Entropy (video
